Automatic ring engraving machine

Automatic ring engraving machine
The datamatrix code (DMC) ring engraver is intended for traceability control and laser engraving of the turbocharger sub-assembly position datamatrix code. The device basically consists of a rotary table with four stations, each of which performs a specific part of the DMC engraving cycle and its control. For the entire functionality of the machine, special mechanical assemblies and sub-assemblies and electrical devices were designed and installed.
The devices used for engraving, management and control are:
  • DataLogic laser device for laser engraving
  • Cognex In-Sight® 8405 Vision System for verification and detection of the corresponding ring model
  • 2D reader Cognex Dataman 260 for checking the quality of the engraved code
  • A Dell PC with its basic peripherals
  • Other devices that participate in the management and development of the cycle

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